Makhado - Limpopo Education MEC Mavhungu LeruleRamakhanya says the current cohort of matric candidates have a potential to change the perception about the Province perfomance. The MEC was addressing over one hundred and thirty learners at Louis Trichardt High School in Vheme before the start of the final matric examinations. By Mike Maringa Limpopo has over 140 000 learners enrolled for Matric examination this year. Over 1 700 examination centres adminstered the first paper this morning. MEC Lerule-Ramakhanya said the intervention strategies employed since early this year will go a long way in changing the narrative. The MEC says parents, guardians and all relevant stakeholders must rally behind learners from all grades. “We have signed a pledge that says learners are going to cooperate with the invigilators, the pledge that says all our learners will be on time for exams. I want to take this time and call upon the parents and all of us as siblings and child minders to say, let’s give them support, let’s give them time to study and also afford them time to rest. I want to say to all my learners in the province from Grade R to 12, good luck with your exams. We want the narrative of Limpopo to change through you”. MEC Lerule-Ramakhanya

Thohoyandou - Stakeholders and learners in education held a successful walk in Vhembe East Education District in Sibasa to mark the countdown. The solidarity walk highlighting the readiness of both the department and the learners in the province was led by MEC Mavhungu Lerule-Ramakhanya from Sibasa Circuit office to Mbilwi secondary school with the grade 12 learners from Raluswielo, Phaswana, Nthetsheleseni, Mphaphuli and Mbilwi Secondary Schools. This was the moment to remember as the annual countdown walk resumes after the Covid19 pandemic outbreak. Education stakeholders, learners and the entire community came to support the solidarity walk aimed at stimulating learners to improve their result. The 2022 walk that signified the culmination of every learner’s 12 years schooling journey was meant to ensure that all learners in the province are ready for their examination coming as the last hurdle to a brighter tomorrow. Commencing on 31 October 2022 with a language paper, Vhembe District has the highest enrollment in the province, totaling at 19 030 registered candidates and the lowest being Waterberg District at 4 306 compared to other Districts. The department is banking on Vhembe District to maintain their standard to ensure that the province does better compared to the previous years.

Parental involvement increases results. Learners should work hard and prioritize their time on their schoolwork as the best weapon to succeed in examinations. Examinations’ preparation and determination can lead to the ultimate goal of passes and not just a pass but an admission to higher learning institutions level of exemptions. When motivating the learners, the Head of Department, Onica Dederen said “Don’t start studying when you are about to write but begin your journey now so that anxiety and other factors are ignored. Study earnestly during this remaining time before the sitting; smartly and not hard, take breaks to avoid mental blocks. Protect the integrity and credibility of examinations. Take these examinations as a push step for yourself, families and the community around you. As you prepare, put more effort because only hard work will help you bring out the best in you. Taking the first step of being in school with different challenges each of you might be facing will be a steppingstone to solving them as your education is designed to guide you properly to greener pastures. Comply with the examinations code of conduct and avoid temptations. We believe in you and urge you to believe in yourselves” said Dederen MEC Lerule-Ramakhanya shared the same sentiment. She urged learners to take their studies seriously and make sure that they don’t let the opportunity go to waste. “The door to independence and a new phase of life is near, a path to make responsible and sound decisions. Don’t overwork yourselves, hard work and perseverance will see you through” added MEC Lerule-Ramakhanya. The MEC will lead a pledge by learners, a week ahead of the final examinations.


            Story by: Mike Maringa